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Entries in gardening (2)


EarthTainer, round three

So far we've had one failure (carrots) and one success (broccoli). Encouraged by this last success, we've maybe gotten a bit bolder in our attempts at EarthTainer gardening. We've planted two cherry tomatoes plants, two poblano plants, and one tomatillo plant. Fingers crossed!


My next project

This summer, I tried my hand at something that has traditionally baffled and confused me: gardening. Don't get me wrong, I understand the mechanics of gardening, but unlike my mother, I've never had a green thumb. All of my previous attempts at gardening have ended with me staring at a poor, withered plant, wondering where I went wrong. This year, Nattiebug and I planted basil, mint, rosemary and tomatoes. The first two have done well, but the other two have not been so lucky (assuming cherry tomato plants are supposed to produce more than six fruits). While I should probably count the fact that the plants are still upright as a minor victory, I feel I can do better. During a recent visit to a friend's house we noticed, a little jealously, that they were able to grow a bounty of nice, ripe tomatoes using a strange device, possibly from the future...

Enter the EarthTainer:

The EarthTainer

As many tomato growers know (and wikipedia is eager to inform me), most vegetable plants, including tomatoes, are very sensitive to over-watering. A creation of Ray Newstead, the EarthTainer is designed to provide the plants with only the amount of water they need through wicking and capillary action; and possibly magic:


I have decided that in order to prove my manliness I can either a) make fire or b) successfully grow food. The first would be frowned upon at our home, so I'm determined to build this magic vegatable-growing device and plant a fall garden, or winter garden, depending on how much I procrastinate.

Updates will hopefully follow...